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About Us

Our Founders


Thomas Hennessey

As Manager of West 4th, I focus on zoning analysis, housing policy, floor plan design and navigation of the infill new build permitting process, in addition to management of the West 4th rental portfolio.  I strongly believe in housing for all, and always look to evolve or adapt to new preservation or infill new build projects across different housing types.  Since starting my real estate career in Durham in 2008, I have experienced most aspects of the real estate process during my time as a real estate broker, certified real estate instructor and presenter, a real estate author and a task force member for housing policy and zoning reform.

Cell: (203) 410-6729


Follow me on X @tjhennessey


Matthew Catania

As co-founder and Managing Member of West 4th, my role is primarily focused on our financial relationships and investment partnerships. For over ten years, I have led the development of our banking relationships, securing bridge loans, construction loans, portfolio loans, and lines of credit, to facilitate our company's investment strategy and continued growth. I also collaborate with Tom on housing policy, design/schematics of our new construction, and manage our construction projects with our contractors and architects.

Cell: (917) 687-2700


Follow me on X @mjcatania


Our Mission

Over the last 10 years of Durham's growth, we have seen the rise of "luxury" downtown apartments and car-dependent sprawl development on the fringes of Durham's urban growth boundary. Our mission is to reduce those trends, and instead to work with urban tier neighbors to pursue core expansion growth that preserves and builds missing middle housing. The preservation and development of small-scale missing middle housing will supply the necessary housing types and attainable prices that have been neglected and ignored in the Urban Tier in recent years. A mix of housing types and an increase in housing supply in downtown neighborhoods will promote walkability and foster the innovation and growth of small, pocket commercial districts. Our mission is to fill those gaps, preserve Durham's culture, and provide housing for all.

"Site of Shuttered Bar in Downtown Durham Sold to Local Investors for $1.1 Million"

real estate investors in Durham

"Durham Real Estate Team Plots Restaurant Concept North of Downtown"

In the Press

Our Vision

West 4th will never lose sight of a people-first approach. Our designs and concepts are forever evolving to meet the demands of tenants, home buyers, neighbors, and the latest housing trends to create a 15-minute walkable city. We believe that preservation and housing density in the Urban Tier will fuel the growth of small pockets of commercial districts and support small local-owned businesses.  Everyday we wake up excited for the next project in the Bull City.

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